Introductory Food Safety Certificate

Food safety certificate NZ delivered by Food Surety
In 2015, World Health Organization has estimated that 420,000 people die every year because of foodborne illness! Every food handler, across the food supply chain, have a key role to play, hence the importance of food safety awareness and consistency.

This food safety training course explains relevant food businesses food handling and the why behind it all. It motivates food handlers doing whats right with confidence. 

Give your team the knowledge, skills and surety they need to:
  • Be more effective maintaining food safety systems and food control plans
  • Mitigate food safety risks related to their role and save costs of non-compliance,...  
  • Protect consumers and brands and meet food act training requirements 

Based on New Zealand NZQA Unit standard 167, 168 and 20666 and meets MPI and all councils' training requirement.

Completing this basic food safety certificate, food handlers will be able to understand:

  • Food safety - food hygiene and its importance

  • Food safety hazards and their significance
  • Methods used to control food safety hazards and food spoilage

  • Cross-contamination and its prevention using good manufacturing practices (GMP)
  • Time temperature controls
  • Risk-based thinking managing food safety.
  • Meet regulatory and food safety certification programmes requirements

What's included?

  • Learning methods

  • Presentation and workbook
  • Videos
  • Exercises
  • Live discussions
  • Assessment

Certificate of Completion

Demonstrating basic food safety and food hygiene understanding, competency and food safety certification.

Meet expectations of regulators like NZ Ministry for primary industries (MPI), local councils and certification programmes and auditors, verifiers and inspectors.
  • Who is it for?

  • All food & beverage sectors, restaurants and hospitality, childcare centers, importers, exporters, food manufacturers, hospitals and home food businesses in New Zealand and the world:
  • Food and related products receiving and storage staff.
  • Food preparing, processing, serving and delivering personnel
  • Chefs and kitchen managers
  • Maintenance and engineering personnel
  • Home food business owners
  • Food Supply chain staff

Easy as one, two, three

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e-learning Training

Best Seller! 
NZ$165 Including GST & Fees
  • Learn at your pace anywhere anytime
  • 18 interactive videos in addition to other lessons exercises and quizzes
  • 3 to 4 hours total study time.
  • 3 months access to updated content
  • Repeat the training any number of times
  • Engaging content delivered using recognised best e-learning practices  
  • Access the online assessment and printable certificate at the end of the course. No waiting time.

Virtual Classroom

NZ$195 Including GST & Fees
  • Delivered in real-time by recognised food safety experts
  • Engaging and interactive groups exercises
  • Accessible from anywhere in the world
  • Accessible  from any device
  • Save the travel time and cost
  • Access the online assessment and printable certificate at the end of the course. No waiting time.

Classroom Training NZ

NZ$195 Including GST & Fees
  • Engaging content developed and delivered using recognised best adult teaching practices  
  • In person interaction with expert trainer & other trainees in NZ Food Safety courses delivered New Zealand wide: Auckland, Christchurch, Hamilton, wellington, Dunedin, Tauranga,... etc
  • Engaging and interactive exercises
  • Access online assessment and printable food safety training certificate at the end of the course. No waiting time.

What other Food Professionals have to say about Food Surety training

Highly recommended the learning experience covers a complete broad spectrum of Food Safety requirements that is absolutely 100% beneficial to anyone requiring advanced knowledge in food safety regardless of your role or industry you represent 🙂 don't miss the opportunity to learn now!

Aroha Heemi
Zespri International

I did online training based on units 167,168 in  3 to 4 I got the certificate, Ray's tutoring videos,explanation,examples are so easy to understand, This is the best ever online course for food safety, I strongly recommend food surety if you want best info and easy to follow...

Vikke Pingili
Cafe Owner 
I completed the introductory e-learning food safety cert, you can tell Ray has a lot of experience in the industry and teaches in a very engaging and supportive way. Highly recommend this course!

Chantel Barry
Care Cookies

Meet YOUR trainer

Ray Haddad

I am the Trainer & Managing Director at Food Surety Limited, I have worked in the food industry in quality assurance roles, auditing, consulting, training, instructional design, workplace assessment and as an advisor in international food safety projects. This varied experience has given me depth of understanding of the needs and the pain points of the different parties in the food industry.

Since 2007, I've had a proven track record conducting hundreds of audits including external 3rd party certification audits as an auditor/verifier recognised by the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). In addition, I have trained thousands of food professionals from government agencies, NGOs, academia and businesses across the whole supply chain from farm to fork and across the different sectors,  not only in New Zealand but in Southeast Asia and Middle East.

I am driven by food professionals' experiences of light bulb moments and breakthroughs in their thinking. I enjoy supporting them protecting food for all.

Food safety and hygiene trainer

Introductory Food Safety e-learning course

Our clients prefer this option over the live courses as it is super flexible and cost effective. We only occasionally run the live courses now!

What other Food Professionals have to say about Food Surety training

Great convenient way to get up to scratch on food safety. Very easy to follow.

Claude Collier
CJ's Hangi Limited

I am so grateful to be a part of this course ,it is really important to learn about how Food safety is very much importance's to everyone. Its good to get some knowledge as well about food safety and what is the danger as well if we are not follow the instruction and it might get people sick or etc.

Lia Luamanu
Rhenus Logistics
I did the online training based on units 167, 168, I got the certificate in  3 to 4 hours. 

Ray's tutoring videos, explanation, examples are so easy to understand.

This is the best ever online course for food safety, I strongly recommend Food Surety if you want best info and easy to follow...

Vicram Pingili

Introductory Food Safety Virtual Classroom - Dates

Introductory Food Safety certificate NZ Training Dates

Enrol in Food Surety's Basic food safety training course now! Protect your consumers, organisation and brand!
Introductory Food Safety workshops meeting the requirements of MPI, local councils  and based on NZQA unit standard 167, 168 and 20666
What is food Safety?
"“Assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use.”
(Codex Alimentarius - General Principles of food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1-1969)
What is basic food safety training certificate? Does it suite team members working with high risk food?
This workshop is half day long  and it is aimed at food handlers in all food sectors supporting them understanding the basics of food safety and best practices they need to apply and adhere to.

The goal is to assure food safety hazards (biological, physical and chemical hazards including food allergens), as well as, cross-contamination, good food safety practices like personal hygiene, pest control, cleaning and sanitation, storage practices as well as time temperature controls and a basic understanding of the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) National programmes (NP) and Food Control Plan (FCP) requirements.
Why take Food Surety's Food handler certification training? Is it council recognised?

Our courses meet requirements of MPI and councils all around New Zealand like Auckland council, Wellington city council...

Food surety training courses (food safety certificate, HACCP workshops, auditing skills training, food defence, food fraud prevention etc) are all developed and delivered by expert trainer who :

  • Is a recognised MPI verifier
  • ISO9001, ISO22000, BRCGS, and SQF auditor
  • Developed tens of food safety courses
  • Trained thousands of food handlers, team leaders and supervisors as well as operations, quality assurance, technical and compliance, food supply chain and site managers
  • Food Surety Quality guarantee. 100% money back if you are not satisfied for any reason.
How can food businesses access Food Surety courses/workshop locations?

Food surety delivers these courses in Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington, Hamilton and all around NZ, training options include face-to-face, onsite (Classroom Training NZ), online live (Virtual Classroom Training) and e-learning food safety courses too (coming soon). Talk to us to get group discounted rate.

Is it food safety, Health and Safety or Food and safety courses for food handler training?

Food safety is all about protecting consumers of the food and beverage from potential hazards that can be in the food that can harm them, the food consumer).

On the other hand, Health & Safety practices are all about protecting you and your colleagues while doing your job at the workplace. Health and safety hazards identification and hazards management to keep you safe. Some people refer to food and safety training, what they actually means is food safety training or hygiene certificate.

What topics are covered in this basic food hygiene course?
This course explains:
  • Food safety and its importance
    Food safety hazards and methods used to control these hazards and preserve food
  • Cross-contamination and practices to prevent this contamination protecting consumers and brand, cutting food waste and improving quality and customer satisfaction, these include:
  • Time temperature controls from food product receiving, storing, personal hygiene, preparation, cooking, pasteurisation, bottling and packaging to storing of finished food items, dispatching and food transportation.
  • Risk-based thinking with focus on high risk food
  • Understanding regulatory requirements like councils like Auckland Council and MPI's National Programmes (NP1, NP2, NP3) Food Control Plan (FCP), Risk Management Programme RMP and Wine Standard Management Plan (WSMP)
  • Meeting verifiers and evaluators compliance and audit expectations
  • Overview of HACCP principles for food operations.

    It allows for lots of discussions, many exercises and culturally safe environment to facilitate comfortable learning.
Why is basic food safety training needed?
You and your team play a key role mitigating food safety risks, protecting their consumers, brands and food business, Food hygiene training help them understand food safety hazards related to their products and processes.

In addition, competency is expected by regulators like MPI in New Zealand and and FDA in USA.

In many other countries around the world, food auditors, evaluators and verifiers assess food operators and food handler competency as part of their audits against Food Act 2014, Animal Product Act 1999 and Wine Act 2003 verification and evaluations, HACCP audits, GFSI recognised standards like BRCGS, FSSC22000, SQF... and customer standards like Woolworths, Yum, McDonald,... 

Food Surety certificate demonstrate competency in food handling and and does satisfy requirements around staff training record keeping.
Do Food Surety food safety courses meet food control plan training needs?

Food businesses are expected to achieve compliance to applicable regulatory requirements, in New Zealand as an example, the Food Act 2014 has two measure types: Food Control Plan (FCP) and national Programmes, both of which expect team members to have at least internal courses or better a hygiene certificate.

The goal is to understand basic food practices including personal hygiene practices, cleaning sanitation, time temperature controls, prevention of food poisoning and harm to consumers in general.

It is worth mentioning that this food handling training course will get your team members an official Food Surety certificate to demonstrate their skills, knowledge and competency. We will even be able to inform you of your teams level of engagement with the course.

How does food handling certificate NZ relate to risk based measures like food control plans?

Safe food that is suitable should be the top priority for any food business. If it is not safe then it is not food, as simple as that.

In every country, regulatory authorities apply different food safety methods and measures to ensure public safety. As an example, MPI, has 4 levels of risk based measures applied to domestic producers applied based on the types of process, product and risks associated:

  • Food Control Plans
  • National Programme Level 1, level 2 and level 3

My food rules is a tool on MPI Website a food business can use to determine applicable risk based measure. Regardless of which one your workplace has to follow, you have to competently and consistently apply appropriate procedures and adhering to requirements. To support them doing so, training on safe food preparation is key. The goal should always be protecting consumers, the food business and brand from food contamination hazards that can cause food poisoning or harm in general.

Our courses are aimed at supporting food professionals doing what is right with confidence, this course is no different and it designed, developed and delivered by food safety professionals with hands on experience both as food operators and as

Related Courses & Products

Be the food safety and hygiene expert you aspire to be! Protect consumers, organisation & brand!
Write your awesome label here.
Get your certificate
Attend your course, complete the open book assessment and achieve your food safety and hygiene certificate immediately. No waiting time.

The assessment is easy especially if you participate and engage in the activities and exercises. You can get a second chance at the course assessment should you need it.

This means you and your business will meet the workplace requirements in the Food Act 2014 related to basic food safety understanding and you will be able to file the needed staff training record.

Remember, the goal is safe and suitable food, more efficient operation, protecting the brand and higher team satisfaction while following food hygiene control measures needed to mitigate related risks. Safe food, safe customers safe business and team members. 
Develop your professional skills with our food safety training courses
We will help you understand food safety practices applicable to your workplace, we will relate the materials to you and your food business, from low risk to high risk operations e.g. hospitality industry, food manufacturing sites, kiwi fruit growing, apple and juice making factories....  

Join us today and become a certified and walk into the job and be a rock star from day one
food professionals certified
food industry training
Ultimate Distance Training
our goal is to make food safety training courses fun, engaging and beneficial. you learn practical and applicable  food safety practices that will help you protect consumers and brands.

If you don't like to travel, join us on an instructor-led virtual classroom course.

In case you prefer to take your time, translate and complete the course at your pace, then take our e-learning food safety training course and complete anytime. you can be certified food handler in 4 hours from now!

of course some food businesses prefer to train their team in-hose and that is of course an option, just reach out to us.